
The fashion as a living artwork

Star ahead – the mannequin Qi Liu before the fashion show “Francesca Liberatore” (picture: Christian Janssen)

By Christian Janssen — 7th May 2019
Halfway between an alchemical laboratory and a technological atelier, there was the BELUMBURY FASHION GROUP SRL, located in Milan, which Stefano Maccagnani, originated from Turin and busy as an entrepreneur in Rome in the sectors of automotive, biomedicine and information technology, had founded as the bearer of the simultaneously created brand “AU197Sm” in the year of 2016. For him and Paola Emilia Monachesi, the creative managing director, clothing was both a second skin and a protective cover. An innovative vision, focused on research, progress and future, was the driving force to a utopian fashion. A high level of technology ensured the avant-garde and futuristic look of clothing for someone, who wanted to climb to the top in all areas of life, whereby the synthesis of aesthetics and performance never denied the Italian fashion tradition. This explained the imagery, tied to science fiction.

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